Quick setup guides for all devices:
1. Right click on “Network Access” Icon in the System Tray & then click on “Open Network and Sharing Center”.
2.Click on “Set up a new connection or network”.
3.Now you should select “Connect to a workplace and click Next”.
4.Click on the option “Use my Internet connection (VPN)”.
5.In the box “Internet address” enter the server IP address from the welcome email. For “Destination name” you can enter anything you want such “Banana VPN Uk Server”. Click Create.
6.No check the properties of the connection. Click on the Network icon at the bottom right corner. Right-click on the VPN connection & select “View connection properties”
7.Click on “Security” tab. Now select Type of VPN as “Point to Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP)” instead of Automatic. Click “Allow these protocols” & select “Microsoft CHAP Version 2”.
8.Now click on the “Networking” tab. Please uncheck everything except “Internet Protocol v.4” & “client for Microsoft networks”
9.Click Connect on the VPN Connection you created & enter your VPN username & VPN password found in the welcome email. password is case sensitive. Click OK.
10.When connected, it will state that it is connected.
Optionally Download our SSTP Dialer and place it on your desktop.
- Open the Control Panel on Windows 7 by clicking on Start and then ‘Control Panel’
- Click on “Network and Internet”.
- Click on “Network and Sharing Center”
- Click on ‘Set up a new connection or Network’.
- On the next screen (Choose the Connection Type) Click on “Connect to a workplace” then click “Next.”
- If asked to use an existing connection select ‘No, create a new connection’.
- Click ‘Use my Internet connection (VPN)’ and enter the account/server information.
- In the text box labeled ‘Internet address’ type the IP address provided in the welcome email. This is the Internet IP address of the servers.
In the text box labeled ‘Destination name’ give it a name such as Banana VPN.
Make sure that the checkbox labeled “Don’t connect now; just set it up so I can connect later” is checked.
Then click the “Next” button. - The Connection is ready to use, click close.
- Go to the connection to check all the settings. Click on the active connection in the task bar.
- Click on the connection and click connect, On the login screen click on properties.
- Click the Options tab – uncheck ‘Include Windows logon domain’ if checked.
- Now click on the ‘Security’ tab. Choose the ‘L2TP/IPsec’ from the drop down menu
- Click on the “Advanced Settings” button shown in the image below. You will be asked to enter a Pre-shared Key. It is found in the welcome email.
- For Authentication, choose “Allow These Protocols” and select CHAP and MS-Chap2
- Now click on the Networking tab. Uncheck ‘Internet Protocol Version 6 (TCP/IPv6)’ and press ok
- Your Windows 7 VPN is ready. To connect, simply click on the connection in the task bar and select the VPN connection. Click connect.
For PPTP connections:
- Start from home screen.
- Press button on your phone to bring up the menu.
- Go to “Settings”.
- Go to “Wireless & Networks”.
- Then “VPN Settings”.
- Tap on “Add VPN”.
- Then on “Add PPTP VPN”.
- Select “VPN name”.
- Input “Banana VPN” there (without quotes).
- Under set VPN server input the IP address provided in the welcome mail.
- Disable encryption. It’s necessary.
- Under “DNS search domains” enter
- Press menu button on phone and select “Save”.
- Now you should see BananaVPN connection in list. Tap on it.
- Authorization window will appear. Enter your username and password (password is case sensitive).
- You should be successfully connected now.
For L2tp/Ipsec connections:
Same as above but select the “L2tp/ipsec with PSK” option
-Set Ipsec Pre-shared key = secureserver
-Do NOT enable L2tp Secret
Install the OpenVPN Connect app from the Google Market.
MAC OS X 10.6.5
1.Click on “Network” under System Preferences
2.Click the + sign to create a new service
3.From the Interface pop down menu choose “VPN”. VPN Type: L2TP IPSec or PPTP
4.Change the Service Name to “BananaVPN” or whatever you like and then click “Create”
5.Click “Authentication Settings”
6.Put your server address, login and shared secret from your welcome email. Click Apply
7.Click Advanced (after apply!) and check the box “Send all traffic over VPN connection”
8. Click DNS and add the DNS servers by using the “+” sign, you need two and After you add them click “OK”
9.Click the box “Show VPN status in menu bar” so you can easily connect and disconnect, and now hit the connect button to connect to your VPN.
Mac OS X 10.4 (Tiger) PPTP
Open the ‘Applications’ folder by going to the Finder and choosing “New Finder Window” from the “File” menu. Click on the “Applications” icon, then scroll down until you see the “Internet Connect” icon.
Double-click on the “Internet Connect” icon. You should see a new window.
Next, go to the ‘File’ menu and select “New VPN Connection Window.” Click ‘PPTP,’ then click ‘Continue.’
Enter the information. In the ‘Server Address.’ box type the IP address. Enter username & Password. Encryption should be set to Automatic and “Enable VPN on demand” should be unchecked
Click the ‘OK’ button. Your configuration is saved, and you’re ready to connect!
Mac OS X 10.4 (Tiger) L2TP
First, open the ‘Applications’ folder by going to the Finder and choosing “New Finder Window” from the “File” menu. Click on the “Applications” icon, then scroll down until you see the “Internet Connect” icon.
Double-click on the “Internet Connect” icon. You should see a new window.
Next, go to the ‘File’ menu and select “New VPN Connection Window.” Click ‘L2TP over IPsec,’ then click ‘Continue.’
On the next screen click the ‘Other’ popup menu, then select ‘Edit Configurations.’
In the Description box type “BananaVPN L2TP” in the ‘Server Address.’ box type the IP address. Enter username & Password. In the Shared Secret box type “secureserver” . “Enable VPN on demand” should be unchecked.
Click the ‘OK’ button. Your configuration is saved, and you’re ready to connect!
Mac OS X 10.5.1 (Leopard) PPTP
Click on the Apple Menu > System Preferences > Network.
Click on the ‘+’ button to add a new Network Connection.
In the next window, select/input the following: For Interface, select VPN. For VPN Type, select PPTP For Service Name, type in BananaVPN
In the next window enter the following information: For Server address, type in address given to you. For Account Name, type in your login given to you.
Click Apply
Click the Advanced button and under the Options tab make sure to check Send all traffic over VPN. Hit OK
You have successfully setup your PPTP VPN connection in Mac OS X Leopard.
If internet traffic is not being sent over the VPN then go to System Preferences->Network and click on your VPN connection. Click the “Advanced…” button, and in the “Options” tab make sure that “Send all traffic over VPN connection” is checked.
- Go to “System”.
- Go to “Preferences” > “Network Connections”. Select “VPN” tab, click “Add”
- Select “Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP)”, click “Create…”.
- Set the “Connection name”. Enter “Gateway”, “User name” and “Password” taken from the welcome email we sent you.
- Click “Advanced…”.
- Check “Use Point-to-Point encryption (MPPE)” option. Click “OK”, then “Apply” button and then “Close”.
- Click on the Network Manager icon on your desktop bar Notification Area. Select “VPN Connections”, click “BananaVPN”.
- Icon will blick for 10-30 second and once VPN is connected, you’ll see the “lock” on the top bar.
You are now connected.
Go to Settings>General>Network>VPN > Add VPN configuration
For L2TP connection:
Under description: BananaVPN.com L2TP
Under server: IP address in a Welcome mail
Under Account: Username in a Welcome mail
Under RSA SecurID: OFF
Under password: Password in a Welcome mail
Under Secret: secureserver
Under Send All traffic: ON
Press save
It is good to have both PPTP and L2TP setup so please click on Add VPN configuration and touch PPTP tab.
Fill out the tabs as follows:
Under description: BananaVPN.com PPTP
Under server: IP address in a Welcome mail
Under Account: Username in a Welcome mail
Under RSA SecurID: OFF
Under password: Password in a Welcome mail
Under encryption Level: AUTO
Under Send All traffic: ON
Press save.
To connect, click settings,then VPN, select BananaVPN. Turn the VPN on
Connect the WAN port of the DDWRT router to any LAN port of your current router/modem, then configure as bellow.
1. Wi-fi on DDWRT is on by default, connect to the DD-WRT wi-fi network.
2. Open web browser and enter to access the DD-WRT control panel.
3. Click on SETUP and login with root / admin.
4. Change connection type to PPTP
5. Now enter server IP address next to Gateway (PPTP Server)
6. Enter account details
• Username: xxxxxxxxxxx
• Password: xxxxxxxxxxxx
7. Click on MTU and set to manual and enter the value 1372 (or leave Auto)
8. Under Network Setup change subnet so that it is different than main router.
• Router IP > Local IP Address :
• Subnet mask
9. Enter Static DNS
• Static DNS 1 as
• Static DNS 2 as
• Click on SAVE
10. Click SECURITY tab
• Under FIREWALL: Disabe the SPI firewall and click SAVE.
• Under VPN Passthrough: Enable PPTP and click SAVE
11. Click on ADMINISTRATION, scroll to the bottom and click on REBOOT ROUTER
12. Router IP now changed to
13. Secure the wireless network
• Click Wireless security
• Any would work, I used WPA2 Personal
• Enter a WPA Shared key which is the password you would enter on devices that connect to the VPN router.
• Click on SAVE.
14. Click on Administration and reboot the router once more.
15. Now you can connect to the DD-WRT network configured with VPN by using the WPA key assigned in step 13.
Click bellow to find the setup guide you device. For Windows we recommend you download and use the SSTP VPN Dialer included in the welcome email.
To use OpenVPN, please download the OpenVPN Connect APP from the app market on your phone.
If you need any help just mail us at [email protected]